Matched Giving

Give strength to our community by providing hope to those in need.
Your gift can make it happen.

Get Your Gift Matched.

Ever wish you could make your gift dollars go further? You can – through your company’s matching gift program. Thousands of companies, small and large, have matching gift programs which double or even triple individual, tax-deductible contributions made by their employees. And your employer may be one of them!

The process is simple. Ask if your company has a matching gift program. If so, obtain a matching gift form from your personnel office or matching gift coordinator, fill it out completely and send it along with your contribution to: Share, 2306 NE Andresen Road, Vancouver, WA 98661. We will complete the form and submit it to your employer.

It’s as easy as that! Your gift and your company’s matching contribution will help Share serve more people in our community.

Share is a 501 (c) 3 non-profitFederal Tax ID # 91-1205119
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Your Generosity Helps Our Neighbors

Please consider an online donation today.

Donate Resources

Donations of physical goods are always welcome. High-need items include non-perishable food, new hygiene & personal care items and new cleaning supplies.

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